Thrilled to debut my Aquaman cosplay at C2E2 2019 at the Vero True Social booth, based on his new armor from the latest movie. The costume features fabrics sponsored by and are available from JOANN Fabric and Craft Stores. I am happy that the film incorporated Jason Momoa's Polynesian heritage, as an as Polynesian myself, I was mored
Sewn on a SINGER Featherweight Sewing Machine Makeup is Kryolan Professional Make-up
Trident printed by C3PDPrinting

Photo by Jason Laboy Photography for Vero

Photo by Jason Laboy Photography for Vero

Photo by Jason Laboy Photography for Vero
Featured materials:

Justice League United, featuring Cyborg actor Ray Fisher and Vero founder Ayman Hariri. Photo by Jason Laboy for Vero
Thank you to, SINGER Sewing Company, Vero and Jason Laboy